ELD Integration | Zonar


How to Import Zonar ELD Data Into RapidLog.


  • Arguments:
    • /provider (Zonar)
    • /companycode (RLCompany Code)
    • /accountid (Zonar Account ID)
    • /username (Zonar Username)
    • /password (Zonar Password)
    • /daysback (defaults to 1)
    • /from (Date format: yyyy-mm-dd)
    • /to (Date format: yyyy-mm-dd)

  • Advanced Arguments:
    • /debug 1
      • /debug 1 enables the debug files to be saved during the download. The debug files are saved in a set of directories under the folder the EobrDownloader.exe file is running in. \HOSDebug\
    • /ui 1
      • /ui 1 will make the GUI show but it will be loaded with the options specified in the Command Line parameters.
    • /fm 1
      • /fm 1 specifies that it will process the Form and Manner violations. These are only available for some of the downloaders
    • /pause 1
      • /pause 1 will cause the EobrDownloader.exe to pause before closing so the output can be observed after running.

  • C:\Windows\RL5.ini Settings (optional):
    • [Directories]
      EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data (Tip: Match this to your Data= line)
    • Note: if this does not exist the downloads will go to \RapidLog\Data\EobLogImport\CompanyCode

  • Example BAT File for All Companies and Providers (prefered method):
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\DownloadRunner.exe”
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -NewAudit HC -MI

  • Example BAT File for a Single Company and Provider:
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\EOBRDownloader.exe” /provider Zonar /companycode MYRLCOMPANY /accountid ZonarAccountid /username ZonarUsername /password ZonarPass /daysback 14
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -NewAudit HC -MI


  1. Add the credentials for the ELD provider on the Company->Configure Download Page in RapidLog.
  2. Edit the Directories section in the C:\Windows\rl5.ini file by adding EobLogImportRoot=Your Data folder.
    • Example: EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data
  3. Open Notepad and setup the download, import and audit.  Save that file as a .bat file.
  4. Open Task Scheduler and schedule the .bat file to run once or twice daily.

ELD Integration | Telogis


How to Import Telogis ELD Data Into RapidLog.


  • Arguments:
    • /provider (Telogis)
    • /companycode (RLCompany Code)
    • /password (Telogis Password)
    • /username (Telogis Username)
    • /urlcompany (Telogis Company URL)
    • /from (defaults to now – 1 day)
    • /to (defaults to now)
    • /daysback (defaults to 1)

  • Advanced Arguments:
    • /debug 1
      • /debug 1 enables the debug files to be saved during the download. The debug files are saved in a set of directories under the folder the EobrDownloader.exe file is running in. \HOSDebug\
    • /ui 1
      • /ui 1 will make the GUI show but it will be loaded with the options specified in the Command Line parameters.
    • /fm 1
      • /fm 1 specifies that it will process the Form and Manner violations. These are only available for some of the downloaders
    • /pause 1
      • /pause 1 will cause the EobrDownloader.exe to pause before closing so the output can be observed after running.

  • C:\Windows\RL5.ini Settings (optional):
    • [Directories]
      EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data (Tip: Match this to your Data= line)
    • Note: if this does not exist the downloads will go to \RapidLog\Data\EobLogImport\CompanyCode

  • Example BAT File for All Companies and Providers (prefered method):
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\DownloadRunner.exe”
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -NewAudit HC -MI

  • Example BAT File for a Single Company and Provider:
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\EobrDownloader.exe” /provider Telogis /companycode MYRLCOMPANY /password Telogispass /username Telogisusername /urlcompany Telogiscompanyurl /daysback 8
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -NewAudit HC -MI


  1. Add the credentials for the ELD provider on the Company->Configure Download Page in RapidLog.
  2. Edit the Directories section in the C:\Windows\rl5.ini file by adding EobLogImportRoot=Your Data folder.
    • Example: EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data
  3. Open Notepad and setup the download, import and audit.  Save that file as a .bat file.
  4. Open Task Scheduler and schedule the .bat file to run once or twice daily.

ELD Integration | Samsara


How to Import Samsara ELD Data Into RapidLog.


  • Arguments:
    • /provider (Samsara)
    • /companycode (RLCompany Code)
    • /apikey (Samsara API Key)
    • /groupid (Samsara Group ID)
    • /from (defaults to now – 1 day. Date format yyyy-mm-dd )
    • /daysback (defaults to 1)

  • Advanced Arguments:
    • /debug 1
      • /debug 1 enables the debug files to be saved during the download. The debug files are saved in a set of directories under the folder the EobrDownloader.exe file is running in. \HOSDebug\
    • /ui 1
      • /ui 1 will make the GUI show but it will be loaded with the options specified in the Command Line parameters.
    • /fm 1
      • /fm 1 specifies that it will process the Form and Manner violations. These are only available for some of the downloaders
    • /pause 1
      • /pause 1 will cause the EobrDownloader.exe to pause before closing so the output can be observed after running.

  • C:\Windows\RL5.ini Settings (optional):
    • [Directories]
      EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data (Tip: Match this to your Data= line)
    • Note: if this does not exist the downloads will go to \RapidLog\Data\EobLogImport\CompanyCode

  • Example BAT File for All Companies and Providers (prefered method):
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\DownloadRunner.exe”
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -NewAudit HC -MI

  • Example BAT File for a Single Company and Provider:
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\EobrDownloader.exe” /provider Samsara /companycode MYRLCOMPANY /apikey Samsaraapikey /groupid Samsaragroupid /daysback 8
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -NewAudit HC -MI


  1. Add the credentials for the ELD provider on the Company->Configure Download Page in RapidLog.
  2. Edit the Directories section in the C:\Windows\rl5.ini file by adding EobLogImportRoot=Your Data folder.
    • Example: EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data
  3. Open Notepad and setup the download, import and audit.  Save that file as a .bat file.
  4. Open Task Scheduler and schedule the .bat file to run once or twice daily.

ELD Integration | Rand McNally – Driver Connect


How to Import Rand McNally – Driver Connect ELD Data Into RapidLog.

Rand McNally - Driver Connect:

  • Arguments:
    • /provider (RandMcNallyELD)
    • /companycode (RLCompany Code)
    • /accesstoken (Rand McNally ELD Access Token)
    • /urlcompany (Rand McNally ELD Company ID)
    • /from (defaults to now – 1 day. Use the YYYY-MM-DD format)
    • /daysback (defaults to 1)

  • Advanced Arguments:
    • /debug 1
      • /debug 1 enables the debug files to be saved during the download. The debug files are saved in a set of directories under the folder the EobrDownloader.exe file is running in. \HOSDebug\
    • /ui 1
      • /ui 1 will make the GUI show but it will be loaded with the options specified in the Command Line parameters.
    • /fm 1
      • /fm 1 specifies that it will process the Form and Manner violations. These are only available for some of the downloaders
    • /pause 1
      • /pause 1 will cause the EobrDownloader.exe to pause before closing so the output can be observed after running.

  • C:\Windows\RL5.ini Settings (optional):
    • [Directories]
      EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data (Tip: Match this to your Data= line)
    • Note: if this does not exist the downloads will go to \RapidLog\Data\EobLogImport\CompanyCode

  • Example BAT File for All Companies and Providers (prefered method):
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\DownloadRunner.exe”
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -NewAudit HC -MI

  • Example BAT File for a Single Company and Provider:
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\EobrDownloader.exe” /provider RandMcNallyELD /companycode MYRLCOMPANY /accesstoken RandMcNallyELDaccesstoken /urlcompany RandMcNallyELDcompanyid /daysback 14
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -NewAudit HC -MI


  1. Add the credentials for the ELD provider on the Company->Configure Download Page in RapidLog.
  2. Edit the Directories section in the C:\Windows\rl5.ini file by adding EobLogImportRoot=Your Data folder.
    • Example: EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data
  3. Open Notepad and setup the download, import and audit.  Save that file as a .bat file.
  4. Open Task Scheduler and schedule the .bat file to run once or twice daily.

ELD Integration | Rand McNally – Connect


How to Import Rand McNally – Connect ELD Data Into RapidLog.

Rand McNally - Connect:

  • Special Note:
    • You will need a login for the FourKites web service

  • Arguments:
    • /provider (RandMcNally)
    • /companycode (RLCompany Code)
    • /password (Rand McNally Password)
    • /username (Rand McNally Username)
    • /urlcompany (Rand McNally Company URL)
    • /datastore (defaults to PROD)
    • /from (defaults to now – 1 day. Use the YYYY-MM-DD format)
    • /daysback (defaults to 1)

  • Advanced Arguments:
    • /debug 1
      • /debug 1 enables the debug files to be saved during the download. The debug files are saved in a set of directories under the folder the EobrDownloader.exe file is running in. \HOSDebug\
    • /ui 1
      • /ui 1 will make the GUI show but it will be loaded with the options specified in the Command Line parameters.
    • /fm 1
      • /fm 1 specifies that it will process the Form and Manner violations. These are only available for some of the downloaders
    • /pause 1
      • /pause 1 will cause the EobrDownloader.exe to pause before closing so the output can be observed after running.

  • C:\Windows\RL5.ini Settings (optional):
    • [Directories]
      EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data (Tip: Match this to your Data= line)
    • Note: if this does not exist the downloads will go to \RapidLog\Data\EobLogImport\CompanyCode

  • Example BAT File for All Companies and Providers (prefered method):
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\DownloadRunner.exe”
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -NewAudit HC -MI

  • Example BAT File for a Single Company and Provider:
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\EobrDownloader.exe” /provider RandMcNally /companycode MYRLCOMPANY /password RandMcNallypass /username RandMcNallyusername /urlcompany RandMcNallycompany /datastore PROD /daysback 8
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -NewAudit HC -MI


  1. Add the credentials for the ELD provider on the Company->Configure Download Page in RapidLog.
  2. Edit the Directories section in the C:\Windows\rl5.ini file by adding EobLogImportRoot=Your Data folder.
    • Example: EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data
  3. Open Notepad and setup the download, import and audit.  Save that file as a .bat file.
  4. Open Task Scheduler and schedule the .bat file to run once or twice daily.

ELD Integration | PeopleNet


How to Import PeopleNet ELD Data Into RapidLog.


  • Arguments:
    • /provider (PeopleNet)
    • /companycode (RLCompany Code)
    • /password (PeopleNet Password)
    • /urlcompany (PeopleNet Company URL)

  • Advanced Arguments:
    • /debug 1
      • /debug 1 enables the debug files to be saved during the download. The debug files are saved in a set of directories under the folder the EobrDownloader.exe file is running in. \HOSDebug\
    • /ui 1
      • /ui 1 will make the GUI show but it will be loaded with the options specified in the Command Line parameters.
    • /fm 1
      • /fm 1 specifies that it will process the Form and Manner violations. These are only available for some of the downloaders
    • /pause 1
      • /pause 1 will cause the EobrDownloader.exe to pause before closing so the output can be observed after running.

  • C:\Windows\RL5.ini Settings (optional):
    • [Directories]
      EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data (Tip: Match this to your Data= line)
    • Note: if this does not exist the downloads will go to \RapidLog\Data\EobLogImport\CompanyCode

  • Example BAT File for All Companies and Providers (prefered method):
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\DownloadRunner.exe”
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -NewAudit HC -MI

  • Example BAT File for a Single Company and Provider:
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\EobrDownloader.exe” /provider PeopleNet /companycode MYRLCOMPANY /password PeopleNetpass /urlcompany PeopleNetcompany
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -NewAudit HC -MI


  1. Add the credentials for the ELD provider on the Company->Configure Download Page in RapidLog.
  2. Edit the Directories section in the C:\Windows\rl5.ini file by adding EobLogImportRoot=Your Data folder.
    • Example: EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data
  3. Open Notepad and setup the download, import and audit.  Save that file as a .bat file.
  4. Open Task Scheduler and schedule the .bat file to run once or twice daily.

ELD Integration | XATA/XRS


How to Import XATA/XRS ELD Data Into RapidLog.


  • Arguments:
    • /provider (XRS)
    • /companycode (RLCompany Code)
    • /urlcompany (XRS Company ID)
    • /username (XRS Username)
    • /password (XRS Password)
    • /daysback (defaults to 1)
    • /from (Date format yyyy-mm-dd )
    • /ignoretz (Set to 1 to ignore the driver’s local time zone in RapidLog)

  • Advanced Arguments:
    • /debug 1
      • /debug 1 enables the debug files to be saved during the download. The debug files are saved in a set of directories under the folder the EobrDownloader.exe file is running in. \HOSDebug\
    • /ui 1
      • /ui 1 will make the GUI show but it will be loaded with the options specified in the Command Line parameters.
    • /fm 1
      • /fm 1 specifies that it will process the Form and Manner violations. These are only available for some of the downloaders
    • /pause 1
      • /pause 1 will cause the EobrDownloader.exe to pause before closing so the output can be observed after running.

  • C:\Windows\RL5.ini Settings (optional):
    • [Directories]
      EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data (Tip: Match this to your Data= line)
    • Note: if this does not exist the downloads will go to \RapidLog\Data\EobLogImport\CompanyCode

  • Example BAT File for All Companies and Providers (prefered method):
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\DownloadRunner.exe”
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -NewAudit HC -MI

  • Example BAT File for a Single Company and Provider:
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\EOBRDownloader.exe” /provider XRS /companycode MYRLCOMPANY /urlcompany XRScompanyid /username XRSusername /password XRSpass /daysback 8
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -NewAudit HC -MI


  1. Add the credentials for the ELD provider on the Company->Configure Download Page in RapidLog.
  2. Edit the Directories section in the C:\Windows\rl5.ini file by adding EobLogImportRoot=Your Data folder.
    • Example: EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data
  3. Open Notepad and setup the download, import and audit.  Save that file as a .bat file.
  4. Open Task Scheduler and schedule the .bat file to run once or twice daily.

ELD Integration | Turnpike


How to Import Turnpike ELD Data Into RapidLog.


  • Arguments:
    • /provider (Turnpike)
    • /companycode (RLCompany Code)
    • /username (Turnpike username and company number. Example: turnpikeuser@1234)
    • /password (Turnpike Password)
    • /from (Date format yyyy-mm-dd)
    • /to (Date format yyyy-mm-dd)
    • /daysback (defaults to 1)

  • Advanced Arguments:
    • /debug 1
      • /debug 1 enables the debug files to be saved during the download. The debug files are saved in a set of directories under the folder the EobrDownloader.exe file is running in. \HOSDebug\
    • /ui 1
      • /ui 1 will make the GUI show but it will be loaded with the options specified in the Command Line parameters.
    • /fm 1
      • /fm 1 specifies that it will process the Form and Manner violations. These are only available for some of the downloaders
    • /pause 1
      • /pause 1 will cause the EobrDownloader.exe to pause before closing so the output can be observed after running.

  • C:\Windows\RL5.ini Settings (optional):
    • [Directories]
      EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data (Tip: Match this to your Data= line)
    • Note: if this does not exist the downloads will go to \RapidLog\Data\EobLogImport\CompanyCode

  • Example BAT File for All Companies and Providers (prefered method):
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\DownloadRunner.exe”
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -NewAudit HC -MI

  • Example BAT File for a Single Company and Provider:
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\EOBRDownloader.exe” /provider Turnpike /companycode MYRLCOMPANY /username Turnpikeuser@1234 /password Turnpikepass /daysback 8
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -NewAudit HC -MI


  1. Add the credentials for the ELD provider on the Company->Configure Download Page in RapidLog.
  2. Edit the Directories section in the C:\Windows\rl5.ini file by adding EobLogImportRoot=Your Data folder.
    • Example: EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data
  3. Open Notepad and setup the download, import and audit.  Save that file as a .bat file.
  4. Open Task Scheduler and schedule the .bat file to run once or twice daily.

ELD Integration | Shaw


How to Import Shaw ELD Data Into RapidLog.


  • Arguments:
    • /provider (Shaw)
    • /companycode (RLCompany Code)
    • /login (Shaw username and company code. Format: username@shawcompanycode)
    • /password (Shaw Password)
    • /depot (a list of specific Shaw depots comma separated. Example: 1,45,85)
    • /driver (Driver ID of a specific driver. Should be used with /from and /to flags)
    • /ignoretz (Set to 1 to ignore the driver’s local time zone in RapidLog)
    • /from (Date format yyyy-mm-dd)
    • /to (Date format yyyy-mm-dd)
    • /daysback (defaults to 1)

  • Advanced Arguments:
    • /debug 1
      • /debug 1 enables the debug files to be saved during the download. The debug files are saved in a set of directories under the folder the EobrDownloader.exe file is running in. \HOSDebug\
    • /ui 1
      • /ui 1 will make the GUI show but it will be loaded with the options specified in the Command Line parameters.
    • /fm 1
      • /fm 1 specifies that it will process the Form and Manner violations. These are only available for some of the downloaders
    • /pause 1
      • /pause 1 will cause the EobrDownloader.exe to pause before closing so the output can be observed after running.

  • C:\Windows\RL5.ini Settings (optional):
    • [Directories]
      EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data (Tip: Match this to your Data= line)
    • Note: if this does not exist the downloads will go to \RapidLog\Data\EobLogImport\CompanyCode

  • Example BAT File for All Companies and Providers (prefered method):
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\DownloadRunner.exe”
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -NewAudit HC -MI

  • Example BAT File for a Single Company and Provider:
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\EOBRDownloader.exe” /provider Shaw /companycode MYRLCOMPANY /login Shawusername@Shawcompanycode /password shawpass /daysback 8
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -NewAudit HC -MI


  1. Add the credentials for the ELD provider on the Company->Configure Download Page in RapidLog.
  2. Edit the Directories section in the C:\Windows\rl5.ini file by adding EobLogImportRoot=Your Data folder.
    • Example: EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data
  3. Open Notepad and setup the download, import and audit.  Save that file as a .bat file.
  4. Open Task Scheduler and schedule the .bat file to run once or twice daily.

ELD Integration | Roadnet


How to Import Roadnet ELD Data Into RapidLog.


  • Arguments:
    • /provider (Roadnet)
    • /companycode (RLCompany Code)
    • /urlcompany (Roadnet Company ID)
    • /username (Roadnet Username)
    • /password (Roadnet Password)
    • /daysback (defaults to 1)
    • /from (defaults to now – 1 day. Date format yyyy-mm-dd )

  • Advanced Arguments:
    • /debug 1
      • /debug 1 enables the debug files to be saved during the download. The debug files are saved in a set of directories under the folder the EobrDownloader.exe file is running in. \HOSDebug\
    • /ui 1
      • /ui 1 will make the GUI show but it will be loaded with the options specified in the Command Line parameters.
    • /fm 1
      • /fm 1 specifies that it will process the Form and Manner violations. These are only available for some of the downloaders
    • /pause 1
      • /pause 1 will cause the EobrDownloader.exe to pause before closing so the output can be observed after running.

  • C:\Windows\RL5.ini Settings (optional):
    • [Directories]
      EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data (Tip: Match this to your Data= line)
    • Note: if this does not exist the downloads will go to \RapidLog\Data\EobLogImport\CompanyCode

  • Example BAT File for All Companies and Providers (prefered method):
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\DownloadRunner.exe”
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -NewAudit HC -MI

  • Example BAT File for a Single Company and Provider:
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\EOBRDownloader.exe” /provider Roadnet /companycode MYRLCOMPANY /urlcompany Roadnetcompanyid /username Roadnetusername /password Roadnetpass /daysback 8
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -NewAudit HC -MI


  1. Add the credentials for the ELD provider on the Company->Configure Download Page in RapidLog.
  2. Edit the Directories section in the C:\Windows\rl5.ini file by adding EobLogImportRoot=Your Data folder.
    • Example: EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data
  3. Open Notepad and setup the download, import and audit.  Save that file as a .bat file.
  4. Open Task Scheduler and schedule the .bat file to run once or twice daily.