How do I Import Local Logs from a Text File?
You will format the CSV file in the following way:
Driver ID, Timestamp, Status
- Driver ID:
- Must match the Primary ID in RapidLog
- Timestamp:(mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm(am/pm))
- 09/10/2019 05:15pm
- 09/10/2019 17:15
- Status:
- 1 or 4 (1 = Off Duty, 4 = On Duty)
- In or Out
- On or Off
- Violations – 0 or more columns
- ClassSubClass in each column
CSV File Format Examples:
“123”,”01/11/2019 12:00am”,”In”
“123”,”01/11/2019 03:30pm”,”Out”
“123”,”01/11/2019 16:30″,”ON”
“123”,”01/12/2019 02:00″,”OFF”
“234”,”01/12/2019 01:01″,”1″,”v1″,”u4″,”s3″
“234”,”01/12/2019 03:12″,”4″,”r2″
File Import Instructions:
- Edit the Directories section in the C:\Windows\rl5.ini file by adding EobLogImportRoot=Your Data folder.
- Example: EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data
- The local log import file has to be saved as a .CSV file
- In the company data folder you will need to create a folder named EclipseLocal
- Copy your local log .CSV file to the RapidLog\Data\Company\EclipseLocal folder
- To import the local log .CSV file run the following command:
- “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” RLCompanyCode -L EclipseLocalFormat