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Remittance Address Change – Effective 11/01/2021

Effective November 1, 2021, the remittance address for making RapidLog payments is changing.  If you pay by ACH, please contact us to update your paperwork. This will not affect credit card payers. Please update your accounting records to reflect the following address for mailing checks: Standard Mail Fleetworthy Solutions, Inc.


RapidLog customers were notified on April 5, 2021 that the following terms will be implemented effective with the June 1, 2021 invoice: 1. NET 30; 2. $10.00 monthly minimum; 3. 1.5% monthly finance charge for accounts over 60 days old; and 4. $25.00 reactivation fee if your account is shut

New Billing System Implemented

RapidLog will no longer be offering yearly subscriptions for RapidLog updates after the 12/20/2017 build.  Instead, we are moving to a software as a service model with monthly charges.  Break Down of Charges: $3 Per Driver Per Month $0 Monthly Minimum Charges $0 ELD Data Imports $1 GPS Validator (optional)
